Taste the Essence of Glou-Glou’s “Drink Slowly”

Glou-Glou, the musical artist known for his captivating soundscapes and soulful vocals, has emerged onto the scene with his solo project, intriguing listeners with his debut single, “Drink Slowly.” But behind the music lies a story of resilience, determination, and a deep connection to his heritage. Glou-Glou, also known as Cam Hovsepian, is a first-generation American and the descendant of Armenian genocide survivors who sought refuge in Iran before eventually making their way to the United States in pursuit of a dream. It was within this backdrop that Cam’s journey as a musician began. At the tender age of seven, Cam stumbled upon Louis Armstrong CDs at the local library, and his world changed forever. The melodic horn lines and soulful vocal performances captivated his young heart, igniting a passion within him to learn how to play the trumpet. However, being from a struggling immigrant household, music lessons and instruments were a luxury his family couldn’t afford. Undeterred by these limitations, Cam took matters into his own hands. With just a few dollars, he purchased a trumpet mouthpiece and embarked on a journey of self-teaching. Every day after school, he would walk to the library, checking out musical scores and following along with CDs on his portable Discman. On weekends, he would spend hours at the local music store, practicing on floor model trumpets, carrying his mouthpiece with him. Determination and resilience fueled his progress. As Cam mastered the trumpet, he continued his musical exploration, teaching himself to play the piano, guitar, and bass. By the age of fourteen, with multiple instruments under his belt, he knew he had found his calling. Cam’s dedication and talent led him to pursue higher education, and he eventually graduated from UCLA, studying Ethnomusicology under the guidance of renowned jazz guitarist Kenny Burrell. Glou-Glou’s debut single, “Drink Slowly,” marks a significant milestone in Cam’s musical journey. This track showcases his multi-instrumental skills, as he effortlessly plays guitar, bass, and piano while lending his captivating vocals to the mix. It’s a culmination of two decades of musical prowess and a testament to his passion and dedication. With influences ranging from the timeless Bill Withers and Sade to the contemporary sounds of Charlotte Day Wilson and Paul McCartney, Glou-Glou’s musical style is a unique blend of soul, R&B, and pop. The track “Drink Slowly” epitomizes the essence of Glou-Glou’s artistry—a reserved yet powerful melody that glides smoothly, leaving listeners eagerly anticipating what comes next. It’s the kind of track you want to savor on a moonlit evening, preferably accompanied by a glass of red wine. Beyond music, Cam Hovsepian has also ventured into winemaking, drawing a connection between his love for music and the art of crafting fine wines. The name Glou-Glou itself is a playful nod to the French wine term for the sound of a drink being poured. Just as his music evokes emotion and tells stories, his natural wines possess a similar depth and allure. Glou-Glou, with his talent, heritage, and passion, is an artist on the rise. His journey from self-taught musician to accomplished multi-instrumentalist and producer is an inspiration to all who face obstacles in pursuing their dreams. Through his music, Glou-Glou invites us to embark on a melodic journey that intertwines culture, emotion, and the joy of the present moment. As Cam Hovsepian eloquently puts it, “I don’t always drink wine, but when I do, I drink slowly.” So let us raise a glass, press play, and immerse ourselves in the enchanting world of Glou-Glou, where melodies intertwine, heritage shines, and the magic of music and wine blend seamlessly.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glougloumusic/

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