Steven Sware With His Electrifying Track “New Romantics”

Amazing artist Steven Sware has a talent for songcraft, versatility as a vocalist and composer, and a natural, easy charm as a performer, Edmonton’s Steven Sware is poised to become a recording artist and pop music stylist of note in the very near future. Although only in his early 20s, Sware is a veteran of nearly a decade on the local music scene, beginning at age 15, grinding his way through various bands and solo incarnations, with this crucible setting the foundation for the artist he has now become. From his teen years, Sware realized he had a gift for crafting his own songs, and an ear for recognizing compelling, popular sounds. Coupled with training, practice, and discipline, he has harnessed one of the most difficult of skills as a creator – the ability to write material almost on command. Yes, personal inspiration often generates great musical art for him, but his innate ability to compose memorable melodies, to build authentic emotionality and narrative beyond his own life, his own experiences, and his own feelings sets him apart. This is proved by his popularity as someone who writes special songs for special occasions or for special people. He has become an in-demand composer of songs specifically for weddings or engagements or other significant life moments. Sware has the unerring ability to translate into song ideas, thoughts, and sentiments from others, with the same emotive magnetism and significance as the songs he crafts about the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful in his own life. With the release of his newest single “New Romantics”, he projects a fascinating sound that will definitely grasp your ears. Beginning with bright instrumentation leading onto his sweet and intoxicating vocals he completes the song entirely. Explaining the track a bit further it’s about naive young lust, mistaken for love. At a young age, any type of connection can feel like true and utter love. Although it can be toxic and sex-fuelled, the slight hope of this type of relationship turning into something more masks the obvious imperfections. Cynically labeling any relationship as “New Romantics” because no one else has, understands, or supports your “love” pulls your mind deeper into this rabbit hole. To the vocals and production, this single will certainly have you jamming out. It would be just perfect for a drive during sunset or a day out on the beach. Go stream “New Romantics” and check out his discography which is filled with outstanding music.




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