Nicky With His Thrilling Single “Black ‘n Blue” (Feat. Butta)

Introducing a talented artist known as Nicky also known as Nick Plaia is a former college graduate and college baseball player, who is now an independent artist. The love of music has been around him his whole life, wherein in his junior year of college, he released his first single. Following this Nicky has released a total of 5 singles. He has been working lately and changing his music to a more party, and R&B style. As he is leading up to his new releases coming towards the end of 2021. Nicky has taken the time now and feels that the music to come has become even better than his last ones. With the release of his newest single “Black ‘N Blue” (Feat. BUTTA) they project a vibrant sound that will surely intrigue your ears. Starting with upbeat instrumentation leading onto their smooth and catchy vocals they capture the song fully. Explaining the track a bit further it’s about crazy exes, the voicemails behind the song are real, from a crazy ex from his past. The name of the song comes from the name of a local bar in his city, as the reason behind that is that there is always drama going on, and it is always a party scene. To the vocals and production, this single will definitely have your head bumping. Being just perfect for a late-night drive or hanging out with some friends. Go stream “Black ‘N Blue” and check out their discography which is filled with amazing music.




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