Journey into the Imaginative World of Sophie van Hasselt’s “Why Care”

Indie-pop singer and songwriter Sophie van Hasselt hails from Amsterdam, and her music is like a portal into her highly imaginative world. With layered vocals that sound like inner conversations, pulsating pads, and quirky guitars playing in the background, Sophie invites listeners to join her in her daydreams. She uses her DIY ethic and a concept she calls “reality shifting” to remind us that life is what we make of it. Sophie’s newest single, “Why Care,” is a quirky song that reflects the strangeness that she sees in life. It’s a contemplation on the meaning of existence and whether we’re living in a simulated reality. The chorus takes the song in a surprising direction, drawing the listener into Sophie’s head and inviting them to question the world around them. It’s reminiscent of Lily Allen’s music, with a similar sense of humor and wit. The perfect places to listen to “Why Care” are when you’re feeling introspective and questioning your place in the world. It’s great for a contemplative walk in nature or during a quiet moment alone. It’s also an ideal song to play when you’re feeling like you want to shake things up a bit and challenge your own perspective on life. Sophie van Hasselt is a unique talent with a captivating musical world that invites listeners to explore. Her newest single, “Why Care,” is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates music that makes them think. Keep an eye out for more music from Sophie van Hasselt in the future.




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