Sharky With Her Dreamy Single “Shark”

Introducing an amazing artist known as Sharky (AKA Georgia Mason) brings to life a world of colorful surrealism with ambiguous lyrics and distinctive vocal styling, drawing on aspects of Soul and Jazz, touching on Hip Hop, and swirling with indie and art rock essence. Long before becoming Sharky, Georgia Mason always loved sharks; “when I was small, I would sit in the pub and tell people all about them”. With her grandad, a paratrooper in the army, Sharky’s family settled in Aldershot, a military town in Hampshire. Growing up close to her grandparents, Sharky would listen to her Nan – Joan – singing around the house. Georgia began to craft the unique Sharky sound taking inspiration from Joan’s high soprano tones and the cross-generational vocal similarities with the women in her family. After a spell of writing as ‘Georgia Mason’, she started to collaborate with other artists including Speakman Sound, Franc Moody, and LONO. In this musical collective, she found a home of like-minded and creative free spirits. Stirring these artists in a mixing pot of entertaining collaboration, late-night sessions, true experimentation, and self-exploration; Sharky’s musical project came to life. Steering the ship alongside Sharky was producer Todd Speakman (Speakman Sound, LONO), with the duo’s relationship growing into a strong bond, both musically and privately – If Sharky is a shark, Todd is at least one fin. Following the release of her newest track “Shark”, she projects a nostalgic sound that will certainly capture your attention. Beginning with soothing instrumentation leading onto her sweet and luscious vocals she completes the song entirely. Explaining the track a bit further it explores the pivotal moment of sexual ecstasy through humored lyrics and the analogy of a shark about to break the ocean surface. To the vocals and production, this single will surely have you vibing. It would be just great for a late-night drive or a walk down the beach after dawn. Go stream “Shark” and check out her discography which is filled with fantastic tracks.




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